April Angel
Channel/Dream Interpreter/Intuitive Counselor

Flip the Switch
All of us feel stuck, anxious, lost, depressed, unsure, or unhappy sometimes. Sometimes these states are fleeting and sometimes it feels like we're being called to dig into something much deeper.
Very often, it is a call for our own evolution and a reintegrating of the parts of ourselves we lost in childhood. These parts are our shadows. To find them, we must first flip the switch and choose to see them.
As a channel, dream interpreter, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher I assist you with remembering who you came here to be. Using the aforementioned tools, we become a team of excavators digging into the deepest parts of you to discover the untreated wounds (that are still influencing you today) and the unique treasures that are connected, but which may not yet be fully in your view.
We will identify, understand and ideally correct subconscious behavioral patterns that are no longer working in your service. This process is usually very intimately connected to the discovery of your spiritual gifts and life purpose. Dreams may also offer important guidance for relationships, career, diet and health. *None of the advice is intended to replace consultation with a doctor
When our heart is open to feeling everything that life has to offer and our head is in alignment with what our heart wants, we have the clarity necessary to live our most fulfilling life.
I believe that we all have an important responsibility to ourselves and to others to nurture what was neglected in our infancy and childhood and to fully become who we came here to be.
It isn't easy work, but it is brave work and it is always rewarding.
It would be my honor to guide and empower you through a new stage of your life journey.
About April
My name is April Angel and I am a dream interpreter, channel, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher. I have been working as a dream interpreter since 2015 but have been a channel my entire life (without knowing that's what it was). I specialize in helping people identify the limiting beliefs and patterns we each pick up in childhood which contribute to difficult challenges in career, relationship, and health - as well as trigger anxiety and depression. I am always impressed with the progress my clients make once they have been empowered by the awareness of their unique potential and life purpose.
The first 36 years of my life seem to have been designed to feature very difficult relationships which offered me the opportunity to repeat or confront patterns of conditioning that were picked up from a difficult childhood. Big shocker: I repeated the patterns. Over and over. Co-dependency, people pleasing, hiding real feelings (even from myself), poor boundaries, self judgement, perfectionism, guilt for DAYS ... the list is lengthy. I did not have the awareness to see how I was stunted or begin confronting the coping mechanisms that were still following me from my traumatic childhood. Life was giving me relationships that triggered all of my inner-child wounds and I didn't have the tools or awareness to grow from them or nurture myself. People said they always saw me as confident but inwardly, I was very self conscious.
Thankfully, this has changed. In 2012, I began my spiritual awakening as a single mother. Before the awakening, I'd traveled internationally for nearly a decade (as a Fulbright scholar, teacher and volunteer) and earned a Linguistics BA at Antioch college. The 11 years between 2001 and 2012, after becoming agnostic and leaving the religion of my youth, were spent gradually closing my heart down to the possibility that life had any real meaning. I grew apathetic and depressed to the point that even folding laundry became a DEEP and daunting existential struggle.
One day, I noticed that my happiest, hippy friends and my permanently enthusiastic 4 year old all had one thing in common - they were really open minded. Santa, mermaids, aliens - it was all fair game to them and as much as I judged it, it still made them happy (and that’s what I secretly wanted the most).
So I flipped the switch. That day I made the choice to be open to the possibility that there is more to life than dishes, laundry and errands: “Alright Universe, where ya' unicorns at?!”.
The same week, an article written by neuroscientist, Eben Alexander, M.D., caught my eye. He swore he’d experienced life after death while being technically brain dead and in a coma due to bacterial meningitis. Of course a staunch scientist would be the first person I needed to come across to convince me that there is more beauty in existence than we can even imagine. He made getting bacterial meningitis sound like a luxury cruise. I spent the next 3 years obsessed with near death experience stories.
I became fascinated, during this time, by some people's claim to have come back from their near death experiences with psychic and channeling gifts. It is natural for them now since it was how they'd communicated during their NDE. I decided that sounded reasonable enough and I lamented that I couldn't do it too. I also started writing down my dreams.
I loved trying to interpret my dreams for deep messages but soon began losing interest when the dream dictionaries I'd found just seemed to give me watered down symbol analysis'. It wasn't until 2015, when I came across Michael Sheridan's website, that everything clicked. Michael Sheridan is a Master Dream Interpreter with decades of experience and something in my heart and mind resonated with his teachings so much that I immediately bought his book and dove straight in.
That same year I had the honor of studying with Michael in his house in Seattle and eventually visited his online course as well. He helped me identify my spiritual gifts and my life purpose (I can't tell you how happy I was when I learned that I WAS a channel after all). My dreams also identified, during this time, that I had reproductive and colon cancer to expect in my future if I didn't heal the traumas and beliefs that were still being held in my body. I was able to clear much of the blocked energy behind these issues with a process called "Cutting the Ties that Bind" and I no longer have cancer-warning dreams; doctor check-ups have been pleasantly uneventful.
It has always been part of my life's purpose to become a dream interpreter, spiritual teacher and channel. My dreams tell me that I'm to help others identify and eliminate childhood conditioning so they can step into their power and claim the spiritual gifts that are part of their life purpose. This is the work I've been constantly attending to in myself for years and I'm thankful that what I've learned, and my challenges, can beneficial to others.
It is my belief that life is nothing, if not meaningful and full of purpose.